
joshua kit clayton's discography(alphabetical by label)

- Background 006 - Kit Clayton, "$x = $moles * $avocadoes" EP, 1999
- Cytrax 04 - Kit Clayton, "Negative Powers" EP, 1997
- Cytrax 07 - Kit Clayton, "Unreliable Networks" EP, 1998
- Cytrax 08 - DJ Jasper and Kit Clayton, "Detention" EP, 1999
- Cytrax 15 - Kit Clayton, "Material problem", 2000
- Delay 01 - DJ Jasper and Kit Clayton 12", 1998
- Delay 02 - DJ Jasper and Kit Clayton 12", 1999
- Drop Beat - Kit Clayton, "Repetition and Nonsense" CD/LP, 1999
- Orthlorng Musork 04 - Kit Clayton, "Latke", 2001
- Orthlorng Musork 07 - Gold Chains, s/t, 2001 (co-produced)
- Parallel 003 - I-Liner (Kit Clayton and Jason Williams), I-liner EP, 1998
- Parallel 005 - Kit Clayton, "The Angular Adventures of Kit in the Land of Sound and Shape" EP, 1999
- Proptronix 01 - Pigeon Funk(JKC and Sutekh), "Pigeon Funk" EP, 2001
- Phthalo 10 - 4mod3, "A Translation of Simplicity" CD, 1999
- Phthalo 17 - Kit Clayton, "Live on Shortwave Radio(KALX)" CD, 2001
- ~Scape 001 - Kit Clayton, "nek purpalet" EP, 1999
- ~Scape 002 - Kit Clayton, "nek sanalet" CD/LP, 1999
- The Mimic and the Model #1 EP, 1998
- Vertical Form 005 - Kit Clayton, "Lateral Forces" EP, 2000
- Vertical Form - Kit Clayton, "Lateral Forces (Surface Fault)" CD, 2001

- Alku - V/A, "el formato is the challenge", Track: "essay", 2000
- Background 008 - V/A, "Futuristic Experiments pt II", Track: "4mod3: t.o.s.(pt.6) rework", 2000
- Caipirinha - FEQ Remix, 2000
- Caipirinha - Soundtrack remix, 2000
- Context 01 - Safety Scissors, "Rubber Stamp EP", Kit Clayton Remix, 1999
- Context 04 - V/A, "Deadpan Escapement remixes", 2000
- Context 06 - V/A, Track: "homonym cask", 2001
- Cocoon CD/LP B - V/A, "B", Track: "talc", 2001
- Cytrax 02 - V/A, "In Fifth Place" EP, Track: "Number 5", 1996
- Cytrax 03 - V/A, "Wrap It Up" EP, Track: "rope", 1997
- Cytrax 05 - V/A, "Chef By Night" EP, Tracks: "sodium", "chloresterol", 1998
- Force Inc - V/A, "FIM 200: Met@music", Track: "Surge", 2000
- Klangkrieg Productionnen - V/A "Amercan Breakbeat" CD, Track: "Impetigo", 2000
- Matador 484-1/2 - Yo La Tengo "Danelectro"(remix) 12"EP/CDEP, 2000
- Mille Plateaux - V/A "Clicks and Cuts", Track: "Loads early like normal", 1999
- Mille Plateaux - V/A "Autopoieses Remixes", 2000
- Mille Plateaux - V/A "Clicks and Cuts 2", Track: "Material Problem", 2001
- Organised Noise 06 - V/A, "Octet" Comp., Track: "Slaanex" ,1998
- Parallel 006 - V/A "Velocette RE" EP, Track: "I feel..." remix, 2000
- Parallel - V/A, "Idiosyncratic_Expressions" CD, Track: "In the east" (I-Liner), 2000
- Plug Research - V/A, "Voices in My Lunchbox- Pt .1" EP, Track: "Casting nets", 1999
- Plug Research - V/A, "Voices in My Lunchbox" CD, Track: "Casting nets", 2000
- ~Scape 005 - V/A, "Staedtizism" CD/12", Track: "reins", 2000
- ~Scape 008 - V/A, "Staedtizism 2" CD/12", Track: "painting between numbers", 2001
- ~Scape 012 - V/A, "Staedtizism 3" CD/12", Track: "ˇEtymon, No!", 2002
- Seventh City SCD009 - V/A, "New Horizons", Track: "Nothing but Nothing", 1999
- Sprawl - V/A, "Hmm" CD, Track: "Bryn Calfaria", 2000
- Tumult - V/A, "Paint It Black", 2000

upcoming albums/eps:
- carpark - ping pong EP Kit Clayton + Safety Scissors, September 2002

upcoming compilations/remixes:
- proptronix 02 - V/A "Electric Pants" EP, Track: "dyslexic pants", 2002